My interest in Reflexology was first sparked after receiving Reflexology for a stress related condition and I found this gentle and relaxing therapy very effective at alleviating my symptoms.  It is now thought that 75-80% of illness is currently caused by stress, which is why I believe it's important to priortise our health and wellbeing.

I have a Centralia Reflexology Mastership (CRM) Level 5 qualification (the highest UK qualification which comes under the Sector - 'Nursing and Subjects and Vocations Allied to Medicine' - the only Reflexology course under this Sector).

I am trained in the Duopody technique, which was developed by Sue Evans, Inspira Academy in Cardiff.  This technique involves working on both feet at the same time, which works the whole body rather than one half at a time.

I am a member of AoR (The Association of Reflexologists) which is an organisation that provides support, advice and guidance for Reflexologists and the public.  To be a member you have to be qualified to a high standard and have insurance.  The AoR require their members to keep up their Continuous Professional Development (CPD).

As a Reflexologist I DO NOT claim to diagnose or cure any illnesses or symptoms.  Reflexology can be beneficial to for people with varying symptoms and encouraging balance and harmony in the body's systems can have positive effects.

I love learning and improving my skills so that I can offer the best treatments I can. My continued professional development includes: 

Vertical Reflex Therapy - A form of Reflexology where the hands or feet are worked in a weight-bearing position for short periods, providing an intensive level of treatment that can aid general well-being, relieve tension in the body and bring about a state of relaxation.

Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage (RLD) - This technique focuses on lymphatic reflexes on the feet that aim to stimulate and cause an effect on the body's Lymphatic system.

Facial Reflexology

Dien Chan Zone - This works multiple zones on the face relating to body parts/systems using a tool.  Because the face is worked, effects can be more rapid due to the close proximity to the brain and central nervous system  The treatment is very relaxing and adaptable, it can be done anywhere . . . in a treatment room, in the office, before or after work.  Treatments always include the 3 stages of relaxation, tonification and base points before working on any problem area which primes the body for treatment.  Receivers of the treatment are encouraged to continue to work on themselves after/in-between sessions after being given a map and shown what to do.

The Bergman Method - A deeply relaxing treatment and can have quicker responses due to the close proximity to the brain and central nervous system. Treatments can also stimulate collagen and elastin which gives the effect of tighter, plumper skin with a healthy glow.

I am a Level 2 Reiki Practitioner

I am very enthusiastic and committed to my own professional development. I love learning and using skills in my tool box. Each course, helps me to make your treatments and treatment plan even better to suit your needs and to support you on your journey to well-being.